Welcome to my Website!

Hi, welcome to my little corner on the web. As the name saids, ghostedCat is the name. I got started learning about neocities and indie-websites from yesterweb (rip). As of right now, consider this website under construction.first image

UPDATE: A YEAR. It's been more than a year since I'd editted this website. Wow, gotta a lot of work to do. Stay tuned. (01-26-2025)

So, to start thing off, I am a 20-something black woman attending university as a graduate student. My study is Sustainability with a concentration in geospatial technologies.

Alongside that, I'm currently learning how to draw. Got a lot of ideas from maladaptive daydreaming

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Spent a summer abroad back in 2023. Here's some things that I .

Update 04-17-2023

Damn, I should really update this website. How long has it been, 3, 4 months.